Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cataclysm Thoughts

So with the upcoming expansion I havent been actively gearing up my other level 80's, such as the druid, because just in a couple of months most likely I will be getting replacements to all the gear i have acumulated over the time in WOTLK.

I am really excited about Cataclysm, mostly going back to Vanilla somewhat, which I never experienced since I started playing at the start of TBC, The changes to Paladins, especially Holy, seem very interesting and I will have to change my game play quite a bit. The new Healing Rain spell on Shamans sounds really fun and I cant wait to use it! Druids I havent been actively listening to on the changes, but the no Tree-form 100% of the time is very odd to me. We will see how it turns out though once Cataclysm is released

Now I need your opinion, what to do next? Im not sure what to do, level alts? get more PvP gear for the Shaman or Druid? do ICC everynight I can on a different toon? So here is what I currently have:
Fiordin : 80 Holy Paladin PvE and PvP fully geared
Totemheal: 80 Resto / Ele Shaman Full PvE geared, only 1 piece of PvP
Lazrchicken: 80 Resto / Boomy Druid PvE geared (mostly Naxx gear though) and 1 piece of PvP
Vynno: 61 Disc / Shadow Priest (hasnt hit 80 yet so maybe level him)

So please post a comment on your thoughts on what I should do next!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back Again!

Hey everyone, Been a long time!
I have finished up my Paladin, Holy PvE MS, 5.6k GS, Holy PvP OS, 1k Rating in 2v2 so far.

I have been really pleased with the Pally so far, so many tricks there are and still to find, after leveling my pally, i decided to level all the other healer classes, the druid and shaman are sitting at 80, and priest at 52, BRD for 7 levels straight gets tiring after a little while.

My Shammy is definitly my Second favorite class, Paladin first. The upside to Shammy for getting into raids, is that BL gives you like an extra 300 GS! perfect if you are a little undergeared, but that raid leader really wants that Bloodlust / Heroism.

I have been messing around in PvP on my druid as well, at least for the first BG to realize im REALLY bad at druid healing, so much different than paladin healing and very hard to get used to.

I will be Blogging some more starting this week! so expect some more!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Ok, I know its been a while since ive made a post, ive been working pretty hard. Ive managed to get my pally to 64, all by LFG. Im sitting at about 600 Spell power and around 6.5k mana. With LFG in outland, almost all of my groups have had at least 1 DK. Early on my experiences with Dk's havent been very pleasent, especially with auras. Frost presence is for TANKING and Blood presence is for DPS. I do realize that you DK's are new to your class, but please listen to the group members when we are giving you advice. Other than that LFG has been going very well, but where are all the druids?? ive only had 1 druid in my group out of all my dungeons.

A trick for all you tanks going straight to LFG when you hit outland, do some of the first quests to get some good gear. You should probably have at least 5.5k health to start doing the dungeons. For healing, i would suggest at least 250 Spell power, and at least 5k mana. DPS as long you are doing a considerable amount and relatively competitive with it you are good, and dont go oom after about 3 fights.

Thats all i have to say for now about LFG.